Even though millions travel by train, there are many railway rules which passengers are not aware of. At RailYatri, it is our constant endeavor to bring forth information that would help solve your travel worries. Today we bring you some such rules that you might not know.
Travel plans sometimes come knocking out of the blue. And when you have to travel by train – Tatkal tickets are your only last minute choice. Till not so long ago Tatkal tickets were non-refundable. However, with the new Railway rules all this have changed and you can now claim refunds on Tatkal tickets too. So if your train is delayed by over 3 hours or there is a change in route of your train and it misses your station – you can rightfully claim your refund. Also, if a train is short terminated due to any natural calamity or technical problem, then the full fare paid for the booked journey will be refunded. In such a case, the passengers should surrender their tickets to the Station Master of the station where the train got short terminated.
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